Depricated Test Scanning Services

Fall 2022 New Options for Scanning Exams 

Options to scan and grade multiple choice exams are changing effective September 1, 2022.  The Scantron machines used to scan bubble sheets are being retired. Most options will be replaced by Gradescope, integrated with Canvas, which allows instructors to print and scan exams using department printers. The ITS Teaching, Learning and Collaboration team will provide training and support. An alternative solution is available for those who currently use the green (10-choice) answer sheets.


We provide basic scanning services free of charge to any instructor at the University of Texas at Austin who elects to administer an exam or homework for an official class using the standard orange or green answer sheets.


Location and Hours 

George I. Sánchez Building. SZB 5th floor, Suite 5.814.

Regular hours: The Scanning Office is available by appointment only, with the following exceptions:   

During Fall and Spring Final Exam periods, we will be open Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. There are no Saturday hours during finals for summer sessions.

If you need further information or would like to provide feedback, please contact our office by phone (512-471-6508) or email us.

Testing and Evaluation Services