Test Scanning Services

Scanning Services FAQ 2023-2024


Scanning Options

Options to scan and grade multiple choice exams are changing effective September 1, 2022.  The Scantron machines used to scan bubble sheets are being retired. Most options will be replaced by Gradescope, integrated with Canvas, which allows instructors to print and scan exams using department printers. The ITS Teaching, Learning and Collaboration team will provide training and support. An alternative solution is available for those who currently use the green (10-choice) answer sheets.

If your exam has 5 answer options or fewer, you can use Gradescope for multiple choice tests, which is integrated with Canvas and allows you to print and scan exams using department printers. The ITS Teaching Learning and Collaboration team supports that system. You can find Gradescope’s information page in the UT Canvas Resource Center Here: https://utexas.instructure.com/courses/633028/pages/gradescope

If you primarily used the 10 answer option green scantron form; want to give a multiple choice exam with more than five options; or perform a short paper based survey or research project, then Scanning Services is for you.

We offer three modes of service; our brand new digital drop off service; our new physical drop off service, and our standard appointment based, in person service.  We encourage our customers to give the digital drop off service a try because you do not have to physically come to our office at all.

Digital Drop Off Service

If your exam has between six and ten answer options (formerly green scantron), you can now print your own answer sheets (on any printer), scan them (on a multifunction copier), and submit the file to the Scanning Office for processing electronically.  You must use the bubblesheet available here.  You can print as many copies of the bubblesheet that you will need, and give the exam to your students as you would a standard scantron sheet.  You can use your copier to make an electronic pdf (or multiple pdf files) of your answer sheets, and submit the pdf files to the Scanning Office using our new digital drop-off service.

10 option answer sheet template: Download Here

This is the only answer sheet we currently process for classroom assignments.


Quick List of Steps

  1. Download Template
  2. Print Sheets/Make Copies
  3. Administer Exam
  4. Make Key
  5. Arrange Sheets
  6. Email Sheets
  7. Results
  8. Special Cases (QUEST)
  9. In Person Service and Physical Drop Off
  10. How do I get my scores into Canvas?


Getting Started

Download the template for the answer sheet and print the number of copies you will need. Make sure to choose 2-sided printing or copying to get the front and back on a single sheet. Make certain both sides of the sheet are printed correctly and right side up.  The Scanning Office does not provide answer sheets. We recommend that you use 24lb white copy paper, which will allow the use of pens and pencils for completing answer sheets. Do not use felt-tip pens, Sharpie pens or markers. Do not use colored or shaded paper.  Alternatively, you may use 20lb white copy paper if ONLY pencils are used to complete answer sheets.

Administer Exam

Administer the test. Make sure all students write in and bubble in their EID and their name. If you are using multiple versions of a test, physically separate the stacks.  If you want a version-indicator on the bubble sheet of the test, have the students bubble in “1,” “2,” “3” etc. in the Codes section of the bottom right of the front page of the bubble sheet. Make sure that all of the sheets in a stack are facing forward with the "The University of Texas At Austin Answer Sheet" at the top.

Make a Key(s)

Create the key. In the first three columns of the Last Name section, bubble in "AAA," if your test has one version. If you have multiple versions of the exam, bubble in “AAA” for version 1, “BBB” for version 2, “CCC” for version 3, etc. There is a field in the center of the front of the bubble sheet near the bottom, and make certain you write in the name of the instructor, the course, and the unique number. Place each key on top of the stack of their version.

answer sheet key bubbling example


Arrange Sheets

If you are using multiple versions of a test, physically separate the forms into different stacks.  If you want a version-indicator on the bubble sheet of the test, have the students bubble in “1,” “2,” “3” etc. in the Codes section of the bottom right of the front page of the bubble sheet.

Even if you do not have multiple versions, make sure that all of the sheets in a stack are facing forward with "The University of Texas At Austin Answer Sheet" at the top.


Email Sheets

This section presumes that you will want to take advantage of our new, immensely convenient, digital drop off service.

Take the stack(s) to your department copier, or any copier with email function.  Scan each stack of sheets to PDF. You need a separate PDF for each version of the test. Do not scan multi-version tests into a single PDF.

Please email the files to yourselves first, and then email them to the Scanning Office. Most departmental copiers do not allow you to rename the data files.  If you email the scanned sheets to yourself first, you can rename the file(s) and customize the email subject line to prior to forwarding to the Scanning Office (scanning.office@austin.utexas.edu) using the following format in the subject line with items separated by blanks:

Professor last name_course unique number_version of test_points per question

Example Email Subject Line & File Name: Jones 12345 V1 5



After submitting your forms. We will process your job. Afterward, you and any TA that you have made an assistant in the Registrar's Office's Class Info Pages will receive a notification email. We use the Registrar's database through CLIPs for secure identity identification.  The email address you have registered with the University is the email address our report delivery system will use. This was implemented to ensure grades get to the correct instructors and their designees. https://registrar.utexas.edu/staff/clips

Instructors and their designees will receive a notification email from the Scanning Office with a link to your personalized output page with the reports available to you. Those reports will include, a CSV Roster; a PDF Roster; Simplified Item Analysis; Complex Item Analysis;  Score Distribution; and CSV raw data.

Example: Summary Item Analysis

Example: Complex or "Block" Item Analysis

How to Interpret Item Analysis


Special Cases (QUEST)

Some of our customers use us to gather data for QUEST assignments.  A key is not necessary for QUEST assignments, nor is separating the sheets for the different versions of the test. For QUEST assignments, make sure that all of the sheets are facing forward with the "The University of Texas At Austin Answer Sheet" at the top.  Send us the PDF with the unique number of the course and notification that it is a QUEST assignment.

For other special cases, information about research projects, and general questions, contact the Scanning Office  at scanning.office@austin.utexas.edu.

In Person Service and Physical Drop Off Service

For these services, you print out sheets and administer the exam, make a key, and arrange the sheets as with email service. The difference is that in the case of in-person and drop off service, you bring the forms to the Scanning Office's physical location at SZB 5.814A.

For in-person service, contact the Scanning Office at scanning.office@austin.utexas.edu to request an appointment. We are on the fifth floor of the George I. Sanchez Building (SZB 5.814A), 1912 Speedway. Area accessibility.

Appointments are generally between 10am and Noon and 1pm and 6pm during the week, Monday through Friday. During the Final Exam period for the Spring and Fall semesters, the Scanning Office will be open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. During the Summer sessions, we do not have any Saturday hours for Final Exams

For physical drop off service, put the forms and the key, all facing in the same direction, into a legal envelope, and deposit it in the drop box just outside of the Scanning Office's service window (SZB 5.814A). 

For physical drop off service, you will have to make an appointment to pick up your forms. We are not able to store documents. We are also not the holder of record for document retention purposes.



What is your turnaround time?

Currently, turn around for digital and physical drop off service is 24 hours while we fine-tune the process. Turn around time in-person appointments is 5 to 10 minutes. During busy periods, the turn around time can take longer. Physical drop off 's that occur on Friday evenings will be processed on Monday. 


How can I get my grades into Canvas?

UT Canvas support recommends that you export your assignment's Canvas Gradebook first and add the Scanning Office's information to it, then re-upload the document to Canvas. A direct upload of Scanning Office output is not supported. You can download our CSV roster from the output page, and then follow the instructions for using the Canvas import process. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-import-grades-in-the-Gradebook/ta-p/807.

Is there a charge for scanning?

Basic scanning services are provided free of charge to any instructor, graduate student, or staff  member at the University of Texas at Austin who elects to administer an assignment from for an official class or campus department, research project, or event, using our standard answer sheet.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer custom scanning form creation and scanning.


Location and Hours 

George I. Sánchez Building. SZB 5th floor, Suite 5.814A.

Regular hours: The Scanning Office is available by appointment only, with the following exceptions:   

During Fall and Spring Final Exam periods, we will be open Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. There are no Saturday hours during finals for summer sessions.

If you need further information or would like to provide feedback, please contact our office by phone (512-471-6508) or email us.

Testing and Evaluation Services