Campus Testing Center - Testing Procedures

The following policies and procedures apply to exams scheduled with the Campus Testing Center (CTC).  

Identification Requirements

In order to take an exam, you must present one of the following forms of photo ID:

  • UT student photo ID card 
  • State issued driver’s license
  • State issued identification card
  • Military ID
  • Passport

If you do not have an acceptable form of ID, please contact our office before coming to test.

CTC Testing Procedures

  • Students should check the status of their scheduled tests in the RegisterBlast reservation system to ensure all tests are confirmed.
  • Students must check-in when they arrive for testing, show their photo ID to the testing center staff, and place all personal items in a locker.
  • Students must begin within 15 minutes of their scheduled start time.
  • Once testing begins, it will not be stopped unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • Students are not allowed to exceed their allotted time.
  • In the event of academic misconduct, the test will be stopped and all actions will be reported to the instructor and Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.
  • Note: Video surveillance cameras are in use throughout the Campus Testing Center facility.


Only supplies permitted by the instructor or specifically approved as a D&A accommodation are allowed in the testing room. Lockers are available for personal items such as cell phones, bags, backpacks, etc. Please leave all personal items in a locker. We provide writing utensils upon request.

  • Cell phones must be powered off completely before being stored in the lockers.
  • If allowed according to exam instructions, scratch paper will be supplied by the Testing Center staff.
  • All test materials, including scratch paper, must be turned in with the test unless permitted otherwise by the instructor.
  • Prohibited items in testing rooms: Cell phones, smart watches, or any other electronic device, jackets, hats, bags, purses, wallets, and food or drinks.
  • Drinks, including water, will remain outside the testing rooms. However, test-takers will be allowed to access their drinks at a convenient location just outside the testing room. Exam time will not be paused for water/drink breaks.
  • Clear pencil bags or zip-top bags are allowed for carrying pens, pencils, erasers and other permitted materials.

Please observe current university guidance regarding COVID-19 health and safety protocols. 


How to Reserve Accommodated Testing Space

Campus Testing Center


1912 Speedway
Sanchez Building (SZB), Suite 5.102
Austin, Texas 78712




Testing and Evaluation Services