A description of the CLEP in German Language: Levels 1 and 2 can be found on the College Board website.

Results of the CLEP in German Language: Levels 1 and 2 is used to place students in UT Austin German courses appropriate for their particular levels of proficiency. Test results also serve as a basis for awarding credit in the following German courses: GER 506, 507, and 612; or GER 604 and 612.

Students for Whom the Placement Test is Recommended or Appropriate

Students who have prior knowledge of German (regardless of how it was acquired) and who do not have college credit in German should take this test before they enroll in their first UT Austin German course.

Students transferring college credit in German are not required, but are strongly encouraged, to take this placement test and to use the results to help them choose their first course in German at UT Austin. Transfer students may also use the placement test to earn additional credit in German or to earn credit for lower-division courses from which they were exempted without credit at another institution. In no way will German credit already earned be jeopardized by the results of this test. Students who do not intend to enroll in a German course but who wish to attempt to earn credit by examination may also take the placement test.

Where and When to Take the Test

On Campus: The CLEP in German Language: Levels 1 and 2 is offered on campus for eligible UT Austin students during scheduled testing periods before the fall semester, mid-semester fall, before the spring semester, and mid-semester spring, as well as in late May and during the summer session. Please review the ID Requirements, as students arriving without proper ID may not test. Visit the Test Registration System to view and register for upcoming test dates.

Off Campus: The CLEP in German Language: Levels 1 and 2 can also be taken at any other College Board testing site, or remotely through CLEP depending on technical specifications. If you take the test at another location or remotely and wish to use your scores for credit or placement at UT, be sure to select the University of Texas at Austin as the score recipient. Our college code is 6882. Scores for exams taken off-campus typically arrive and are processed within a week.

Registration Fee: 

When you confirm your registration for a test you will be immediately billed a non-refundable test registration fee of $25. In addition, there is a test fee of $95. The $95 CLEP test fee MUST be paid on the CollegeBoard website, https://clep.collegeboard.org/. Upon registration and payment, you will receive a confirmation from College Board that includes a Ticket ID number that is required in order to start your test on test day.

Test Results and Retakes: 

Official score reports are sent to UT Austin from the College Board; students taking the test on- or off-campus must choose to have their scores sent to UT Austin. Your score will be shown on your computer screen when you are done testing.

This exam may not be repeated within three months, per CLEP's retake policy.

UT Austin Courses Score Range Notes
GER 506, 507, and 612; OR GER 604, 612 60-80
GER 506, 507; or GER 604 50-59