Results of this French test are used to place students in UT Austin French courses appropriate for their particular levels of proficiency. Test results also serve as a basis for awarding credit for lower-division French courses: FR 601C, 611C and 317C.

The exam covers Reading Comprenension, Listening Comprehenesion, and Grammar. Basic information about the test follows:

  • Each module is entirely in French (except for the instructions) and consists of multiple choice questions with four choices each.
  • The test is scored as number of correct answers, with no penalty for guessing. Each item has only one acceptable answer.
  • Both the Grammar and Reading Comprehension Test, and the Listening Comprehension Test, are designed as a test of skill and not speed. Ample time is allowed to answer questions. Sixty (60) minutes are allowed to complete the Grammar and Reading Comprehension Test. Approximately thirty minutes are allowed for the Listening Comprehension Test.

Where and When to Take the Test

The University of Wisconsin Placement Test in French must be taken on the UT Austin campus, and it is offered during the following testing periods: 

  • just before the first summer session 
  • during Summer Orientation Sessions in June and July 
  • just before and during the first week of fall semester 
  • mid-semester fall 
  • just before and during the first week of spring semester
  • mid-semester spring 

Visit the Test Registration System to view and register for upcoming test dates.

Students for Whom the Test is Recommended or Appropriate

Students who have prior knowledge of French (regardless of how it was acquired) and who do not have college credit in French should take the University of Wisconsin Placement Test in French before they can enroll in their first UT Austin French course.

Students transferring college credit in French are not required, but are strongly encouraged, to take this placement test and to use the results to help them choose their first course in French at UT Austin. Transfer students may also use the placement test to earn additional credit in French or to earn credit for lower-division courses from which they were exempted without credit at another institution. In no way will French credit already earned be jeopardized by the results of this test.

Students who do not intend to enroll in a French course but who wish to attempt to earn credit by examination may also take the placement test.

Registration Fee: 

The total of the fees for the test is $85. When you register for a test, you will immediately be billed for the non-refundable test registration fee of $25. After you take the test, you will be billed for the test fee of $60. Payments are due within 14 days of the billing date. All fees are subject to change.

Course Description: 

1st YearFR 601CBeginning French, an intensive beginning four skills course with emphasis on basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing that combines FR 506, and 507 or 508 into one course.
2nd YearFR 611CIntermediate French, an intensive intermediate course with emphsis on listening, speaking, reading and writing. 
FR 317CEnhancing French Skills, a four skills course: listening, speaking, reading, writing designed to provide students whohave credit for FR 611C with additional preparation for upper-division French courses.

Test Results and Retakes: 

Results are available within a few days after the test date.

You may take the University of Wisconsin College-Level Placement Test in French only once.

UT Austin Courses Score Range Notes
FR 601C, 611C, 317C 591-850
FR 601C, 611C 541-590
FR 601C 450-540
No credit 449 and below