How to Reserve Space in the Campus Testing Center

Important Spring Semester Deadlines

Monday, April 14 - Final date for instructors to submit spring semester exam schedules in RegisterBlast 

Thursday, April 17 - Final date for students to book spring semester exam appointments in RegisterBlast

Reserving Space in the Campus Testing Center

Students and Instructors use RegisterBlast, a reservation system integrated within Canvas, to book accommodated tests in the CTC. 

Instructors will first need to schedule tests through RegisterBlast at least 5-business days (1 week) prior to the test date. Students will then need to reserve their seats in the CTC a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) prior to their scheduled test. There will be no instructor confirmation required for exams since instructors will be entering the approved test day/time during the initial scheduling process.

Students should discuss Accommodation Letters with each instructor at the beginning of the semester to determine testing accommodations and how they will be provided.

Who may test at the Campus Testing Center?

Accommodated Exams – Students registered with Disability and Access (D&A) with testing accommodations may reserve space in the Campus Testing Center (CTC) to take their course exams.

Title IX Testing Accommodations - Students working with the Title IX Office should contact their case manager for a referral to receive testing accommodations at the Campus Testing Center (CTC). Click this link for more information:

Makeup Exams - The Campus Testing Center is not authorized to administer campus-wide makeup exams at this time. 

Religious Conflicts - During the period of final exams, students with a regularly scheduled final exam which conflicts with a religious observance may work with their instructor to make arrangements to take the exam at the Campus Testing Center. Scheduling follows the same procedures and deadlines as other final exams.

Student Emergency Services - Students with an excused absence documented by Student Emergency Services during final exams, may work with their professor to schedule a makeup exam at the Campus Testing Center.

Note: If the student is eligible to take exams at a Testing Facility within their professor’s department, they should schedule there instead. Additional information about accommodated testing options is available here: Options for Accommodated Testing Spaces at UT

Department testing centers:


Campus Testing Center

The Campus Testing Center (CTC) is located on the 5th floor of the George I. Sanchez Building, SZB 5.102.

Testing Hours:

  • Monday – Friday: In person testing by appointment starting at 8:30 a.m. Exams must be completed by 4:30 p.m.
  • CTC Staff are available for questions and exam drop-off and pick-up Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

D & A Assistive Technology and Education Center (ATEC): For Tests with Adaptive Equipment

Students testing with adaptive equipment will be taking their tests in the Assistive and Technology Education Center located in the D&A office (SSB 4.206).

Location: Student Services Building (SSB) 4th floor, room 4.206

Testing Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday

Office hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.  Monday – Friday

The reservation process is the same for students testing in the CTC and the ATEC Lab.


Campus Testing Center


1912 Speedway
Sanchez Building (SZB), Suite 5.102
Austin, Texas 78712




Testing and Evaluation Services