Test Registration for Students Using Accommodations

If you require academic accommodations or assistance due to a documented disability for a credit by exam or placement test, please do the following before registering on the Test Registration System page:

  • Complete the Request for Placement Exam Accommodations online form and provide supporting documentation to the Disability and Access office. Please visit this page to learn more about acceptable supporting documentation, where to send your documentation, and how the approval process works.
  • After you have received confirmation that your accommodation request have been approved, contact Student Testing Services at studenttesting@austin.utexas.edu or (512) 232-2662 in order to register and make arrangements to take the test. Students taking the UT Math Assessment (UTMA) during summer orientation do not need to make any special arrangements.
  • Requests for placement exam accommodations should be made no later than 5 (five) business days before the exam you wish to take.

Please note that approval for accommodations on placement exams does not mean a student is approved for accommodations in classes and exams at UT. Students will still need to schedule an intake appointment with D&A in order to receive accommodations for their classes and exams at UT. See How to Register for more details on registering for classroom and exam accommodations.

If you are a student or professor that needs to schedule an exam for a UT class with academic accommodations or assistance due to a documented disability, please contact the Campus Testing Center at 512-471-0222 or campustesting@austin.utexas.edu.

Testing and Evaluation Services