Testing Policies and Eligibility

Students are eligible for credit by exam at the University of Texas at Austin if:

  • They are currently or formerly enrolled at the University, or are a prospective student.
  • They do not have a passing or a failing grade in the course in which they are seeking credit by exam.
  • They have followed the eligibility guidelines for the particular test in which they are interested.

University Testing Policies

UT Austin provides students with the opportunity to earn course credit by exam. Such credit will satisfy degree requirements in the same way as credit earned by passing a course, except that it will not count as credit earned in residence. Although students may take tests before they enroll at UT Austin, they must be currently or previously enrolled in order to receive credit. Unsuccessful attempts to earn credit by examination will not become part of an official transcript.

Faculty members in the relevant academic department at The University of Texas at Austin select the tests, set the scores required for credit and specify who is eligible to take the tests. Student Testing Services (STS) assists by communicating policies, giving the tests and reporting the credit earned. Policies are subject to change. Please email us or call 512-232-2662 for the latest information.

Testing and Evaluation Services