Conducting Surveys

Conducting an Early Course Instructor Survey

If you would like to request an early "open date" (day in which CIS become available to students to students online), or an early "close date" (day in which CIS are no longer available to students online), you may do so by submitting a Special Request online. 

These requests should be submitted no less than 5 business days from the requested open or close date, and must be submitted either by a department CIS Contact, an instructor, or the TA for the course in-question.  You should also use this form for late open or close requests (ex:  Maymester courses)

How to Conduct an Electronic Course Instructor Survey (eCIS)

  • Ask your departmental CIS Contact to request your electronic Course Instructor Survey.
  • Inform students prior to the survey period when the eCIS will be conducted and explain to them how you use the results. You may use class time to allow students to complete the mobile-adaptive eCIS just as you would allow time for a paper CIS administration.
  • You will receive an email the day the eCIS system opens informing you that your course will be surveyed electronically and providing a link to the survey. This link will not show you how many or which students have responded, it is provided so that you can send it on to your students as an additional reminder to complete the survey.
  • Your students will automatically receive an email notification the first day the survey period is open with a link to the eCIS homepage.
  • A reminder email will automatically go out to students two days prior to the close of the survey period. During the survey period you are also encouraged to remind students to complete the eCIS.
  • Survey results are available two days after official grade submission deadline. They can be accessed via MyCIS.

Conducting Multiple Course Instructor Surveys

It is possible to conduct multiple surveys for the same course if the course is team taught or if you also wish to have your TA evaluated.

  • The department CIS Contact must request a separate Course Instructor Survey for each individual instructor who will be surveyed. This applies to all circumstances, including team-taught courses.
  • Schedule a date during the Official CIS Administration Period to administer each CIS and allow 20-30 minutes of class time for each survey. 

Campus Testing Center