Questionnaire Overview

All course evaluations include a set of Core questions.

These Core questions include five (5) Course Questions, one to three (1-3) Flag Questions, two (2) Open-Ended Questions, and six (6) Instructor Questions, all of which can be viewed below.  

Some surveys may also include up to two (2) CSU Questions, which were selected by participating colleges and schools from our Question Bank. All Core questions, except the open-ended ones, are response-required questions (i.e., forced responses). 

Additionally, instructors teaching qualifying courses may add a supplemental form to their questionnaire. The supplemental forms and their questions can be viewed below. On the survey, these questions will appear after any QP questions (optional additional questions) added by the instructor. Please note that responses to supplemental forms are not required. For more information on how to add supplemental questions to surveys, please view our supplemental form guide

Note:  All questions, unless otherwise indicated, are rated on a standard Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree). These responses are then converted to numerical values from 5 to 1 respectively. These numerical values allow responses to be averaged into a single score for a course, instructor, department, or CSU (college, school, or unit).

Course Questions

  1. Why did you take this course? [Note: this question will not display a mean score on reports.]
    • I was required to take this specific course
    • I chose this course among others to fulfill a degree requirement
    • I took this as an elective
  2. During this course, I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  3. This course was well organized.
  4. Overall, approximately what percentage of the course meetings did you attend or complete (online, in person, or asynchronously)? [Note: this question will not display a mean score on reports.]
    • Respondent enters a whole number between 0 and 100
  5. Overall, this course was
    • Excellent [5], Very Good [4], Satisfactory [3], Unsatisfactory [2], Very Unsatisfactory [1]

Flag Questions

Students will be asked one of these questions for every Skills and Experience Flag associated with the course (up to three).

  1. No Flag: During the course, I gained skills related to the course content.
  2. Quantitative Reasoning: The course assignments improved my ability to apply quantitative skills to real-world problems.
  3. Independent Inquiry: The course assignments improved my ability to perform research or creative work independently.
  4. Cultural Diversity: The course improved my understanding of the experiences, perspectives, or practices of one or more marginalized groups in the United States.
  5. Global Cultures: The course improved my understanding of the histories, traditions, practices, or perspectives of at least one cultural group outside the United States.
  6. Ethics: The course assignments improved my ability to apply ethical reasoning skills in real-life situations.
  7. Writing: The course assignments improved my ability to express my ideas in writing.

Open-Ended Questions

Students answer these two questions in the form of written responses. These responses are often referred to as "student comments" on official reports. Note: the new evaluation software allows for an unlimited number of words and special characters. 

  • Identify aspects of the course that were most effective in helping your learning.
  • Identify the aspect of the course that you found most challenging, why you found it was challenging, and suggest one thing that could be done to help future students meet that challenge more effectively.

These questions are always preceded by a disclaimer that reads:

UT recognizes that student evaluations of teaching may be influenced by students' unconscious and unintentional biases. Approach this evaluation the same way you would expect your own work to be reviewed. 

  • Be thorough, respectful, and constructive.
  • Focus on your opinions about the content of the course, because the most valuable feedback for instructors is related directly to your learning experience in class.
  • Comments based in the form of insults or based on stereotypes, personal appearance, or personal characteristics are not appropriate.

Instructor Questions

If there are multiple instructors co-teaching a course, there will be only one evaluation. However, these six (6) instructor questions will be asked for each instructor on record, with their name listed between the each question and its answer choices.

  1. The instructor clearly explained the course objectives and expectations.
  2. The instructor fostered an inclusive learning environment.
  3. The instructor effectively explained the concepts and subject matter in this course.
  4. The instructional techniques kept me engaged in learning.
  5. The instructor checked for student understanding of the concepts presented in the course.
  6. Overall, this instructor was
    • Excellent [5], Very Good [4], Satisfactory [3], Unsatisfactory [2], Very Unsatisfactory [1]

College, School, or Unit (CSU) Questions

School of Architecture courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The course instructor encouraged respect for different opinions and experiences in the classroom.
  2. Compared with what I expected to learn in this course, I feel I learned: [Note: this question will not display a mean score on reports.]
    • Far more than I expected, More than I expected, What I expected, Less than I expected, Far less than I expected

McCombs School of Business courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor encouraged class participation.
  2. The course instructor encouraged respect for different opinions and experiences in the classroom.

Moody College of Communication courses will have these two questions added:

  1. I would recommend this instructor to other students.
  2. The instructor fostered an environment conducive to learning.

College of Education courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor integrated technology in ways that helped me learn.
  2. The course format (online, hybrid, face-to-face) helped me to learn.

Cockrell School of Engineering courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor fostered a classroom environment in which all students could feel free to participate fully.
  2. On average, approximately how many hours per week did you spend working outside of the course? Include time on homework, reading, reviewing, papers, projects, etc. [Note: this question will not display a mean score on reports.]
    • 0-2 hours per week
    • 3-5 hours per week
    • 6-9 hours per week
    • 10-14 hours per week
    • 15 hours per week or more

School of Nursing courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in teaching the course.
  2. The course materials (e.g. text and supplemental materials) were helpful to me.

College of Pharmacy courses will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor encouraged class participation.
  2. The instructor fostered an environment conducive to learning.

School of Undergraduate Studies Signature Courses (UGS 302 and UGS 303) will have these two questions added:

  1. The instructor challenged me to examine ideas or concepts from different perspectives.
  2. The course enhanced my ability to apply academic knowledge to real life issues.

Supplemental Forms

Instructors teaching qualifying courses may add a supplemental form to their questionnaire. These questions are sometimes referred to as SQ, or supplemental questions. 

For more information on how to add supplemental questions to surveys, please view our supplemental form guide

Note:  All questions, unless otherwise indicated, are rated on a standard Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree). These responses are then converted to numerical values from 5 to 1 respectively. These numerical values allow responses to be averaged into a single score for a course, instructor, department, or CSU (college, school, or unit).

Education Practicum 
  1. As a result of student teaching/internship, I have become a better teacher.
  2. As a result of student teaching/internship, I feel more confident in working independently.
  3. The student teaching/internship seminar was worth the time it took.
  4. The supervisor offered encouragement and assistance in the use of differing instructional materials and methods.
  5. Student teaching/interning has definitely fulfilled my expectations for that experience.
Foreign Language
  1. My ability to express myself in the language has improved.
  2. My ability to understand and interpret what I have heard, read, or viewed in the language has improved.
  3. I have an increased understanding of the culture(s) connected with the language I am learning.
  4. I have an increased understanding of how to interact with people in a way that is appropriate for the culture(s) connected with the language I am learning.
  5. This course helped me think critically about language, culture, and/or communication.
  6. The assignments, exams, and other assessments in this course allowed me to demonstrate what I can do with the language.
Nursing Practicum
  1. The clinical site and/or patient assignments were appropriate for this clinical rotation.
  2. This clinical rotation facilitated the integration of theory into practice.
  3. The written assignments for this clinical rotation contributed to my learning.
  4. The clinical conferences included material that stimulated critical thinking.
  5. This course built on previous learning.
Nursing Skills Laboratory Course
  1. Sufficient time was allowed for practice of lab-related skills.
  2. Assigned preparatory work was relevant to the skills practiced.
  3. Course assessments were aligned with learning objectives.
Design Studio Course
  1. The course was well paced.
  2. The course allowed for student-teacher dialogue.
  3. The critiques/reviews were helpful.
  4. The course strengthened my conceptual skills.
  5. The course strengthened my technical skills.
  6. The course strengthened my critical analysis skills. 
STEM Laboratory Course
  1. I was provided adequate instruction (e.g., prelab lecture, lab manual, videos, instructor/TA demonstration, etc.) to help me complete lab activities.
  2. The lab content was relevant to the goals of this course.
  3. The lab subject matter made me think.  
  4. For the course level, the difficulty of the lab was appropriate.
  5. The topics of this lab course connect well with material I have been taught in other classes.
  6. Interacting with other students in lab (e.g., lab partners, teams, etc) was a positive part of my lab experience.
  7. What skill(s) from this course will be most useful in your future classes and/or career?   

Testing and Evaluation Services