Faculty Overview

How do Course Evaluations Work at UT?

In accordance with State Law (HB 2504) and UT System Rules (Rule 30501), all university courses, with very few exceptions, must be evaluated by the Office of Academic Technology at the end of every semester. These are usually done via survey, the results of which provide valuable feedback for faculty to improve their teaching, and are used by departments in determining Promotion, Tenure, and Review decisions.  If you are unfamiliar with this process, we encourage you to review the resources within our New Faculty Center.

Visit the New Faculty Center  

Course Evaluation Liaisons (CELs)

Every school, college, or department has at least one CEL assigned to coordinate course evaluations for their faculty. CELs ensure a smooth evaluation process by managing all course data associated with evaluations, such as course start and end dates. They are also the primary point of contact for instructors with questions about surveys. Find the CEL for your department here.

What's on the Survey?

Almost all instructors are provided with the freedom to adjust the timing of their survey and add questions to the surveys we send to students. Review the current questions and options available to you here.

CES Results and Reports

Learn more about the systems available to faculty for reviewing student responses and gathering the data needed for your promotion and tenure review.

Monitoring and Increasing Response Rates

Since the transition to all-online surveys, many faculty have struggled with their response rates.  Learn more about strategies, incentives, and best practices for encouraging students to complete their evaluations.

Improving Your Teaching

Whether you are a new instructor struggling to find your footing, or a veteran faculty member looking for ways to take your teaching to the next level, resources are available to help you provide the truly excellent educational experiences synonymous with the University of Texas.

Teaching Assistant (TA) Evaluations

TAs with official appointments are eligible to be evaluated alongside you. Learn more about the requirements, opportunities, and resources available to faculty looking to support their TAs using our systems.

Testing and Evaluation Services