Restricted and Public Results Access

In the fall semester of 2022, the University transitioned to a new course evaluation system. As a result, in order to find reports from course evaluations conducted prior to Fall 2022, you will need to utilize our Legacy reporting system.  A directory of our course evaluation reporting sources are included below:


Results Before
Fall 2022


Results After
Summer 2022


Guides for New
Report Viewing

Individual Instructor
Reports (Faculty-Facing)  
MyCIS Reports Site   CES Reports: 
Explorance Blue  

Reports A and B  

Individual Instructor
Reports (Dept-Facing)  
CIS Admin
Reports (Legacy)  
 CES Reports: 
Explorance Blue  

Report B  

 Public Results  CIS Public Results
Site (Legacy System)  
 CES Reports:
- Spring 2024 (Public)
- Fall 2023 (Public)
- Summer 2023 (Public)
- Spring 2023 (Public)
- Fall 2022 (Public)

Report D  

Expanded Results Site
(Requires EID access)  
CIS Restricted
Results Site (Legacy)  
 CES Reports:
- Spring 2024 (Expan)
- Fall 2023 (Expan)
- Summer 2023 (Expan)
- Spring 2023 (Expan)  
- Fall 2022 (Expan)

Report C  

Dean-Chair Reports  
CIS Admin
Reports (Legacy)  
 CES Reports:
Explorance Blue  

Dean-Chair Reports  

TA Reports  
CIS Admin
Reports (Legacy)  
 CES Reports:
Explorance Blue  

TA Reports  

System Access

Course Evaluation Liaisons (CELs) automatically receive access to pull any instructor report for their department directly from the Blue system.  If you are a new or incoming CEL for your department, please complete a CEL Application Form.  Similarly, any staff member with a Workday job code of Dean (0335), Vice Dean (0338), Assistant Dean (0453), Department Chair (0336), or Academic Program Director (0362) should automatically have access to their respective area.

Administrators with legitimate institutional responsibilities that require regular access to all reports within a department, college/school, or the University as a whole, may request access by completing an AER Application Form.  Please note that these data are very sensitive, and all applications require approval your supervisor and may be routed to your Department Chairman or Asst./Assoc Dean to confirm your institutional use.  Any request for university-wide access must be routed to the Provost's Office for approval.


Report Availability

Ten (10) days after the Survey Fill-Out Period has ended, all individual instructor reports and TA reports, are made available to faculty to review.  Six (6) weeks after this, expanded and public reports are then made available to the campus community and the public respectively.  First, all responses are converted into numerical scores (with “1” generally representing “Strongly Disagree,” and “5” generally representing “Strongly Agree"), then they are averaged, compiled into reports by course, and are summarized on our Restricted and Public Reporting sites.

  • Expanded Reports (Report C):  The Restricted CIS Results Site is only accessible to those with an active EID (i.e., Current UT Austin students, staff, and faculty) and may be used to view ratings for all questions. 

  • Public Reports (Report D):  The Public Results site only contains ratings for Questions 4 and 11 (“Overall, this course was…” and “Overall, this instructor was…” respectively), for all instructors who were evaluated, as well as the average ratings for all courses within its department and school/college.



To preserve the anonymity of students,  ratings are only published online, both on the Restricted CIS Results Site as well as the Public Site, if they meet the following criteria:

  • The survey received at least five (5) responses,
  • At least twenty percent (20%) of the total enrolled student population responded to the survey, AND
  • The course was evaluated using a standard form designed for instructors. (i.e.:  Results for Teaching Assistants are never published online unless they served as the official instructor-of-record)