Adding Questions to Your Surveys

Instructors have the option to "personalize" their evaluations by adding up to three additional questions from the question bank below to their course evaluations during the Question Selection Period (QP).  These may be selected from any of the following question categories:

Or, if your course meets the minimum criteria, may be selected from one of these specialty categories:

This process is entirely optional, and if you not wish to add questions to your survey, no further action is required (your course will still be evaluated using the standard questionnaire). Additionally, the responses to these questions are only available to the course instructor, not to administrators, students, or the public.

Supplemental questionnaires, with questions written specifically for certain types of classes are being rewritten. We currently have forms available for foreign language, education practicum, nursing practicum, nursing skills laboratory, design studio, and STEM laboratory courses. Please note that supplemental questionnaires are added to surveys before evaluations are finalized. If your course qualifies for a supplemental form and it has not been added to your survey, please contact the course evaluation liaison for your department

Note:  All questions, unless otherwise indicated, are rated on a standard Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree). These responses are then converted to numerical values from 5 to 1 respectively. These numerical values allow responses to be averaged into a single score for a course, instructor, department, or CSU (college, school, or unit).


Official Course Evaluation Question Bank

A. Instructor Communication

  1. The Instructor carefully explained difficult concepts, methods, and subject matter.
  2. The instructor encouraged class participation.
  3. The instructor's explanations were clear.
  4. The instructor communicated information effectively.
  5. The instructor gave adequate instructions concerning assignments.
  6. The instructor was available to students either electronically or in person.


B. Learning Environment and Engagement

  1.  The course was well-paced.
  2. The instructor fostered an environment conducive to learning.
  3. The instructor's presentations and contributions in class engaged me.
  4. The way the instructor conducted class kept me engaged.
  5. The course format (online, hybrid, face-to-face) helped me to learn.


C. Instructor Preparation and Interest

  1. The instructor was prepared for each instructional activity.
  2. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in teaching the course.
  3. The instructor showed a thorough knowledge of the course material.
  4. The course instructor expressed interest in students' learning approaches (e.g. note-taking, study habits) throughout the course.


D. Contribution of Course Components to Learning

  1. The course helped me present and communicate information more effectively than before.
  2. The course helped me synthesize potential solutions more imaginatively than before.
  3. The instructor integrated technology in ways that helped me learn.
  4. In my opinion, the assignments, presentations, projects, or papers required in this course were worthwhile learning experiences.
  5. During this course, I learned information that was meaningful to me.
  6. I would recommend this course to other students.
  7. I would recommend this instructor to other students.
  8. The course materials (e.g., text and supplemental materials) were helpful to me.
  9. Compared with what I expected to learn in this course, I feel I learned:
    • Far more than I expected (5), More than I expected (4), What I expected (3), Less than I expected (2), Far less than I expected (1)
  10. Overall, I learned a great deal in this course.


E. Encourage Participation/Multiple Perspectives

  1. The instructor encouraged me to take an active role in my own learning.
  2. The instructor made me feel free to ask questions, disagree, and express my ideas.
  3. The course instructor encouraged respect for different opinions and experiences in the classroom.
  4. The instructor fostered a classroom environment in which all students could feel free to participate fully.
  5. The instructor provided opportunities for students to interact with one another.
  6. The instructor provided opportunities for students to interact with one another on team, group, or collaborative assignments or projects.
  7. This course allowed for student-teacher dialogue.


F. Information on Course or Student Contextual Information

  1. On average, approximately how many hours per week did you spend working outside of the course? Include time on homework, reading, reviewing, papers, projects, etc.*
    • 0-2 hours per week, 3-5 hours per week, 6-9 hours per week, 10-14 hours per week, 15 hours per week or more
  2. In my opinion, the workload in this course was...
    • Insufficient, Somewhat Light, Just Right, Somewhat Heavy, Excessive
  3. My overall GPA to date at UT is...
    • <2.00, 2.00-2.50, 2.50-3.00, 3.00-3.50, or 3.50-4.00
  4. My probable grade in this course is...
    • A, B, C, D, or F

*Note: Responses to this question will be presented as an average (mean) on your end-of-semester report.

G. Learning Expectations and Feedback Within Course

  1. The tests/assignments were usually graded and returned promptly.
  2. My performance in this course has been evaluated fairly.
  3. The instructor gave feedback in a way I could apply to my learning.


H. General Practicum Course Questions

Only available for Practicum Courses

  1. As a result of this experience, I have become a better practitioner.


I. Online Course Questions

Only available for online or hybrid courses

  1. The course instructor's use of the online environment facilitated my understanding of the course material.
  2. When introducing course content online, the instructor drew student attention to important ideas or concepts.
  3. Throughout the course, the instructor modeled online participatory behaviors that he or she expected from students.
  4. The course instructor maintained a regular, engaged presence during online activities and discussions throughout the course.
  5. The ways in which the instructor made themself available to students was effective throughout the course.
  6. The course instructor created an approachable presence online.
  7. The course instructor encouraged students to participate in online course discussions and activities.
  8. The course instructor's use of the online environment facilitated my understanding of the course material.
  9. The course instructor encouraged online consultation with students through email, chat, or other communication tools.
  10. The course instructor encouraged online interaction among students within the course.
  11. The course instructor's online communications to students (discussion posts, video capture, email, announcements, ect.) were clear.
  12. The organization of online activities in the course was clear and easy to follow.
  13. Online communication tools facilitated interaction between students and the instructor throughout the course.
  14. The online course environment created a learning space that enriched or strengthened my learning of the course material.
  15. The online environment fostered a sense of community in the course.
  16. The course's online learning component provided opportunities for students to interact with one another.
  17. Online interactions with my peers improved my understanding of the course material.
  18. Online content resources, library references, data sources, and website links provided by the instructor contributed to my understanding of the course material.
  19. Online tools, used to support course activities, contributed to my learning of the course material.

Testing and Evaluation Services