Finding Your Results and Reports

Course evaluation results are distributed through a series of reports. The Course Evaluation team produces regular reports for instructions after each semester. In addition, the Office of Faculty Affairs produces reports specifically for Promotion and Tenure. The table below details the specific reports produced by the Course Evaluation Team. For more information on reports produced by Faculty Affairs, please contact Faculty Affairs.

In the fall semester of 2022, the University transitioned to a new course evaluation system. As a result, in order to find reports from course evaluations conducted prior to Fall 2022, you will need to utilize our Legacy reporting system.  A directory of our course evaluation reporting sources are included below:


Results Before
Fall 2022


Results After
Summer 2022


Guides for New
Report Viewing

Individual Instructor
Reports (Faculty-Facing)  
MyCIS Reports Site   Explorance Blue   

Reports A and B  

TA Reports  
CIS Admin
Reports (Legacy)  
 Explorance Blue   

TA Reports  

 Public Results  CIS Public Results
Site (Legacy System)  
 - Spring 2024 (Public)
- Fall 2023 (Public)
- Summer 2023 (Public)
- Spring 2023 (Public)
- Fall 2022 (Public)

Report D  

Expanded Results Site
(Requires EID access)  
CIS Restricted
Results Site (Legacy)  
 - Spring 2024 (Expan)
- Fall 2023 (Expan)
- Summer 2023 (Expan)
- Spring 2023 (Expan)  
- Fall 2022 (Expan)

Report C  


When Will My Results Be Available?

Results are generated on two different timelines:

  • Individual Instructor and TA Reports. Access to individual reports is contingent on the semester type. For all courses evaluated during the fall and spring semesters (i.e. long semesters), individual instructor and TA reports are available to instructors and administrators within ten business days after the last day of final exams for that long semester. For the summer term, all individual instructor reports are available ten business days after the last day of final exams in the second term. Law School reports are published on a separate calendar; contact the Law School Course Evaluation Liaison for more information.
  • Administrator and Public Reports. Access to Dean-Chair, Public Results (Report D), and Restricted Results (Report C) are available within four weeks after the last final exam period in the fall, spring, and second-term of the summer. Law School reports are published on a separate calendar, contact the Law School Course Evaluation Liaison for more information.

For specific publishing dates for each semester, please view our Dates and Deadlines page.

 Different Report Types

  • Report A (Individual Instructor): Only available to individual instructors. Includes results of all questions, including optional questions selected by instructors; available in CSV, PDF, and HTML format. CSV files include comments by numerical response. 
  • Report B (Individual Instructor): Available to individual instructors and administrators. Includes results of all questions except for optional questions selected by instructors; available in CSV, PDF, and HTML format. CSV files include comments by numerical response. 
  • Report C (Restricted Results): Available to anyone with an active EID. Includes results of all questions in Report B except for comments. Available in HTML format only. Includes Departmental, College, and University averages for comparison. 
  • Report D (Public Results): Available to anyone with the link. Includes results of the following questions: "Overall, this course was…" and "Overall, this instructor was...". Available in HTML format only. Includes Departmental, College, and University averages for comparison. 
  • Individual TA Reports: Available to individual instructors, individual TAs, and administrators. Includes results of all TA form questions; available in CSV, PDF, and HTML format. CSV files include comments by numerical response. 



To preserve the anonymity of students, ratings are only published online, both on the Restricted Results Site as well as the Public Site, if they meet the following criteria:

  • The survey received at least five (5) responses,
  • At least twenty percent (20%) of the total enrolled student population responded to the survey, AND
  • The course was evaluated using a standard form designed for instructors. (i.e.:  Results for Teaching Assistants are never published online unless they served as the official instructor-of-record)


Reviewing Results

After results are made available each semester, the CES office opens the Request for Official Review of Evaluation Results window. During this time, you may request a formal review of the responses you received on your evaluations. 

For more information on the policies and procedures required for an external review, please see Section 8 of the CES GUIDE: Course Evaluation Policy Statement and Guidelines. Comments that may be considered harsh or comments that instructors do not like or agree with are not eligible for external review. 

This is because The results of course evaluations, including the written comments by students, are official University records and are ultimately managed by the University. As official University records, they are subject to provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), Texas Open Records Act (TORA), and the Records Retention Schedule. Therefore, The CES office cannot alter or delete student responses after they've been recorded by the system. If, after following the procedures in Section 8, the Office of Academic Technology finds an error has occurred an official Letter of Explanation will be issued.