Forms and Questions

All course evaluations include five (5) Course Questions, one to three (1-3) Flag Questions, two (2) Open-Ended Questions, and six (6) Instructor Questions, all of which can be viewed below.  Some surveys may also include up to two (2) CSU Questions, which were selected by participating colleges and schools from our Question Bank.

You are also able to add up to three (3) questions of your choosing from our approved Question Bank (unless and if you have any Teaching Assistants associated with your course, your CEL may add an opt-in TA questionnaire for each of your TAs to your evaluation as well.

Note:  All questions, unless otherwise indicated, are rated on a standard Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree). These responses are then converted to numerical values from 5 to 1 respectively. These numerical values allow responses to be averaged into a single score for a course, instructor, department, or CSU (college, school, or unit).

Core Questionnaire

Course Questions

  1. Why did you take this course?* 1
    • I was required to take this specific course
    • I chose this course among others to fulfill a degree requirement
    • I took this as an elective 
  2. During this course, I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter.*
  3. This course was well organized.*
  4. Overall, approximately what percentage of the course meetings did you attend or complete (online, in person, or asynchronously)?* 1
    • [Respondent enters a whole number between 0 and 100]
  5. Overall, this course was*2
    • Excellent [5], Very Good [4], Satisfactory [3], Unsatisfactory [2], Very Unsatisfactory [1] 


Flag Question(s)

Students will be asked one (1) of these questions for every Skills and Experience Flag (CSEF) associated with the course.  There are five (5) flags in total: Cultural Diversity in the United States (CD), Ethics (E), Global Cultures (GC), Independent Inquiry (II), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), and Writing (Wr).  At most, a course can have up to three (3) flags associated with it.

Flag IDQuestion Text (All Use the Standard Scale)
No FlagDuring the course, I gained skills related to the course content.*
CDThe course improved my understanding of the experiences, perspectives, or practices of one or more marginalized groups in the United States.*
EThe course assignments improved my ability to apply ethical reasoning skills in real-life situations.*
GCThe course improved my understanding of the histories, traditions, practices, or perspectives of at least one cultural group outside the United States.*
IIThe course assignments improved my ability to perform research or creative work independently.*
QRThe course assignments improved my ability to apply quantitative skills to real-world problems.*
WrThe course assignments improved my ability to express my ideas in writing.*


Open-Ended Questions

Students answer these two (2) questions in the form of written responses. These responses are often referred to as "student comments" on official reports. Note: the new evaluation software allows for an unlimited number of words and special characters. 

  1. Identify aspects of the course that were most effective in helping your learning.
    • [Free Response]
  1. Identify the aspect of the course that you found most challenging, why you found it was challenging, and suggest one thing that could be done to help future students meet that challenge more effectively.
    • [Free Response]

Instructor Questions

If there are multiple instructors co-teaching a course, there will be only one evaluation. However, these six (6) instructor questions will be asked for each instructor on record, with their name listed between the each question and its answer choices.

  1. The instructor clearly explained the course objectives and expectations.* 
  2. The instructor fostered an inclusive learning environment.* 
  3. The instructional techniques kept me engaged in learning.* 
  4. The instructor checked for student understanding of the concepts presented in the course.* 
  5. Overall, this instructor was*2
    • Excellent [5], Very Good [4], Satisfactory [3], Unsatisfactory [2], Very Unsatisfactory [1] 

College, School, or Unit (CSU) Questions


School of Architecture courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The course instructor encouraged respect for different opinions and experiences in the classroom.
  2. Compared with what I expected to learn in this course, I feel I learned:
    • Far more than I expected
    • More than I expected
    • What I expected
    • Less than I expected
    • Far less than I expected. 

McCombs School of Business courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor encouraged class participation.
  2. The course instructor encouraged respect for different opinions and experiences in the classroom.

Moody College of Communication courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. I would recommend this instructor to other students.
  2. The instructor fostered an environment conducive to learning.

College of Education courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor integrated technology in ways that helped me learn.
  2. The course format (online, hybrid, face-to-face) helped me to learn.

Cockrell School of Engineering courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor fostered a classroom environment in which all students could feel free to participate fully.
  2. In my opinion, the workload in this course was...
    • Insufficient [1]
    • Somewhat Light [2]
    • Just Right [3]
    • Somewhat Heavy [4]
    • Excessive [5]

School of Law courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The course materials (e.g., text and supplemental materials) were helpful to me.1
  2. In my opinion, the workload in this course was...
    • Insufficient [1]
    • Somewhat Light [2]
    • Just Right [3]
    • Somewhat Heavy [4]
    • Excessive [5

College of Liberal Arts courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor was available to students either electronically or in person.
  2. The instructor encouraged me to take an active role in my learning.

College of Natural Science courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The course format (online, hybrid, face-to-face) helped me to learn.
  2. On average, approximately how many hours per week did you spend working outside of the course? Include time on homework, reading, reviewing, papers, projects, etc.1
    • 0-2 hours per week
    • 3-5 hours per week
    • 6-9 hours per week
    • 10-14 hours per week
    • 15 hours per week or more.

School of Nursing courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in teaching the course.
  2. The course materials (e.g. text and supplemental materials) were helpful to me.

College of Pharmacy courses will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor encouraged class participation.
  2. The instructor fostered an environment conducive to learning.

School of Undergraduate Studies Signature Courses (Only UGS 302 and UGS 303) will have these two (2) questions added:

  1. The instructor challenged me to examine ideas or concepts from different perspectives.
  2. The course enhanced my ability to apply academic knowledge to real life issues.



* :  Indicates a "forced response" question, meaning that a student will not be able to continue onto the next page of their survey without answering them.

1: Indicates that the a mean score will not be displayed for this question on your reports.

2: Indicates that the results for this question will be available for the public to view as part of HB2504. Administration will also view these questions as part of the faculty review process.


* = Indicates a "forced response" question, meaning that a student will not be able to continue onto the next page of their survey without answering them.

1 = Indicates that the a mean score will not be displayed for this question on your reports.

2 = Indicates that the results for this question will be available for the public to view as part of HB2504. Administration will also view these questions as part of the faculty review process.


Testing and Evaluation Services